Hi there,

As far as I know you just have to live with those issues.

If you are lucky the data provider will have created a seperate *.PRJ file
that sits alongside the SHP and contains projection info.  This is one that
MapInfo can work with and also the Universal Translator writes out when
creating a shapefile from MapInfo.  Thats the first bit - and a crucial one
to be sure - how many hours have I wasted trying to sleauth out the
coordinates from a shapefile ([EMAIL PROTECTED]@#$).  Usually I preview it in ArcView
or ArcExplorer and have enough sense to guess from a sample coordinate pair.
Alternately you fish through a seperate metadata file to find the projection
and coordinate info.  Or you harass the data provider until they give it up.

With regards to the styling, yes thats a bummer too.  There is a nifty
additional optional file in ArcView 3.x called a *.AVL - a legend file -
that defines a style setting or thematically driven setting that loads when
you open the SHP file.  In the newfangled Arc8 there is something called a
Layer file - sort of the same idea - an umbrella with settings to sit over
the data in the SHP.  Neither of these can be used by non-ESRI tools as far
as I know, but if you could read them and apply their contents in MapInfo
that could be a fix to this annoying non-feature of the direct SHP.  As an
aside, SHPs are also approx 50% fatter than TAB (.MAP) with large complex
spatial layers like topographic contours.

I am very interested in more insight on this topic as well - particularly
with regards to Open GIS data formats and standards - the geodata.gov site
is very interesting and some of you know a lot more about the Geospatial One
Stop initiative and also web-based OGC compliant services than I do...I sit
on a state GIS board here in Maine where we are planning to implement a new
state GeoLibrary - and data distribution, standards, and formats are all on
the table.  You find SHP files everywhere for downloadable data, and often
those ArcExport files too which have a whole host of their own
peculiarities.  At least the SHP files are published and not propietary - I
fear the day when the download will be a Arc...only or other proprietary
format - but open formats can still win.  Wish I knew more...

Will Mitchell
Mitchell Geographics, Inc.
496 Congress Street
Portland, ME 04101
ph 207.879.7769
fx 207.253.5756

-----Original Message-----
From: Neil Havermale [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, July 28, 2003 11:27 PM
To: 'Bill Thoen'; 'MapInfo-L'
Subject: MI-L I want a new format..... Or insight

I was considering some of the issues as regards access to increasingly free
spatial data like www.geodata.gov and a host of others like it.  It seems so

The one issue that bothers me most in the lure of free data (and/or
conversation with ArcGIS projects), is the de-facto condition/standard that
all of this available data is constructed in .SHP format. With MapInfo Pro
7.0 and MapX conceptually all you do is point at the .SHP file and it loads
- well sort of. Something is missing. It seems that the "public" form of SHP
that we increasingly must deal with is deficient in all sorts of ways - no
internal info on projection nor datum, all geographical attributes default
to black lines, black dots, and white interiors. Is this buy design?

Given that we MapInfo'ers must correspond in an increasingly ESRI-centric
data environment, I was wondering if some of you with dual MapInfo and ESRI
citizenship, might clue me/us in on how to better deal with .SHP data?  To
make advantage on .SHP data, do we simple accept that it's generally free
character is just good enough to overcome the frustration of the absence of
necessary metadata?  Is a retarded .SHP format just the millstone we, as
MapInfo users, must carry?

In my case, all of the additional "detail" needed to reliably depend on SHP
importation (the necessary projection info is never readily available)
creates enough FUD (Hmmm, things are not lining up as expected - I guess my
GPS data must be wrong?) that I wonder if I too should just jump the fence
as well?  The grass may not be greener?

I understand there are some other issues with .SHP that are not generally
well understood like the difference between a 2D and 3D .SHPs as well as
some detailing in the use of the DBF for attributes? Are there other .SHP
issues we need to smarten up on?  Should MapInfo add an Appendix to 7.5 and
beyond to explain how to adjust a .SHP definition of our Nation and World?

MidNight Mapper
Aka neil

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