Hi all


Just a few lines to say thanks ever so much to those who responded to my question 
about "Shifting Coordinates" (I just knew the answer was there somewhere)

If the following is of use to anyone, then please use it:

Previously we had Ordnance Survey Maps of the South Wales area in the UK and several 
thousand pieces of "Street Furniture" were plotted using GPS equipment. When the Maps 
were opened this was fine until the plotted data was opened over the top (Current 
Mapper). To solve the problem (with some of the advice given from this forum), it went 
like this:

All the new map tables were expected to MIF files (we left the plotted data as this 
didn't appear to be the problem)

Once the files had been exported, I then edited the MIF file either using the good old 
Windows Notepad but in some cases the file was too large, but the trusty Word for 
Windows did the same job as long as you save the file in its original format

Just one line near the top of the file was replaced with the following code:

COORDSYS EARTH PROJECTION 8, 79, 7, -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 4000000, -1000000

The MIF was then saved and MapInfo was booted up

I then imported the MIF file back into MapInfo and all the Ordnance Maps were opened 
after which the "Street Furniture" tables were opened over the Current Mapper and hey 
presto the data lined up perfectly

I hope this help's someone who may encounter a similar problem, we did resolve this 
same thing a few years ago but couldn't find the file with the info (Lesson to be 
learned I think)

Once again, many thanks to all those who replied and sorry to those who received the 
auto responder message!

Kindest regards


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