Dear List,

we are experiencing some problems accessing shared MapInfo-tables on a
SQL-Server 2000 with MapInfo 7.0 clients for Microsoft SQL Servers. Imagine
the following scenario: 

USER1 and USER2 both have the permission to operate (open, modify, save)
with tables on the SQL-Server. They open the same server-table
(access-option: download data to client-machine) one after the other. USER1
changes attribute1 of a segment X and updates the server. Afterwoods USER2
changes attribute2 of the same segment X and wants to update the server.
Asked, if he wants to leave attribute1 unchanged, which has been modified in
the meanwhile, he only checks the option to update attribute2 of the
specific segment X, so that both modifications can be stored on the server.
But unfortunately, USER2 gets an error-message like "This operation in table
[Name of the MapInfo-Server-Table] can not be used". The result is: if USER2
presses the save-button again, his complete dataset of segment X is stored
on the server and the formerly performed changes of USER1 are discarded.

Can anyone give me some hints, what could have gone wrong?
Any help would be gratefully appreciated!

Kind regards

Axel Bergmann

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