Just two quick additions to Alistair's summary that I feel is important to

1.  MapXMobile will run on PocketPC 2003!
2.  As many are aware, there is memory (dll) space issues with the Pocket PC
Operating System and developing MapX Mobile applications together with
separate Database integration on the PDA might be problematic.

Best regards
John Williams

UK Tel             07050 398200
UK Fax             07050 398100
International Tel  +44 7768 895605
International Fax  +44 8700 513376

WWW        www.handygis.com/

-----Original Message-----
From: Alistair Hart [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 10 September 2003 03:08
To: <MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L SUM - MI-L Mobile Mapping software - call for ideas

Thanks to all who responded (to numerous to list)!

THe feedback I gained contained information outlined in the following

Products in the market already using MapInfo MapXMobile that I was alerted
to include:

RapidView by Rapidmap - www.rapidmap.com.au
Discover Mobile from Encom - www.encom.com.au
MobileMap from MapSolutions - www.mapsolutions.com.au
Mobile Data Assistant from Open Spatial - www.openspatial.com.au

HandyGIS by HandyGIS? - www.handygis.com

MapOnHand by DotMap S.A.E. - www.dotmap.com.eg

All of these products seem to be very functional from a GIS perspective and
some of the companies above are flexible and willing to customise solutions
to allow the linking of a Mobile RDMS in the background (MobileSQL??
databases) for secondary data capture that is not directly related to the
attributes of a cadastral parcel (or whatever...).

Some of the above companies have comprehensive product information on their
websites which enables aesy comparison of their product. Some,
unfortunately, have little or no documentation publicly available yet. Most
of these products have comprehensive software on the desktop to facilitate
data management between the mobile and desktop tables and, of course, custom
form building.

Some other comments recieved by MapInfo-L'ers:

"Some people mentioned MapX Mobile.  You should know though
that there is a problem with the software running on the new Pocket PC 2003
Operating System.
MapX Mobile runs OK on Pocket PC 2002, but the 2003 OS is different and is
causing some problems.  MapInfo Corp needs to work on the MapX Mobile code
to make it compatible with the 2003 OS.
If you buy a MapX Mobile app, make sure that your pocket PC is running the
older OS."

"Try MapXMobile from www.mapinfo.com where you can download a trial version
with some samples in embedded VM and C++."

"... MobileMapX is the obvious answer and the demo version is free.. if you
are a VB programmer."

"There are several companies out there who will set something up for you
and i am sure you have been plagued already (some of them are very
good...'handygis' looks very slick and is modular).  However, My suggestion
is if you have an IT mind  or better still an IT unit why not point them
towards mapxmobile and see if any of their VB skilled staff couldnt do
something v cheap for you?

I looked at MapXmobile for BGS last year, the development kit is free, the
microsoft eVB/eVC development kit is free, the pocket pc emulators (so you
program on a desktop to 'see how it'll work') are free and it is very easy
to learn how to use and programme. You only have to pay for a license once
you have got the system up and running and you are 100% happy with it (then
you have to buy a minimum 10 seats at about £280 sterling a seat  (but i bet
its cheaper in Oz)

I built a 'hard-coded' relational database using Mapinfo tables and a pocket
access format database for geologists (you dont need pocket access  you just
use the pocket jet engine in th eVB  freeware) It took 4 working days to
build a system to capture geology data from topography, exposures, boreholes
and soil samples, including photos and 'notes'..all very tricky one-to-many
attributes, all interlinked.....and i can asure you i am not a mapx or VB
programmer..the only downside was i could not get our GPS to work (my vb
skills were not up to it)  I am told it is easily doable but eVC is better
at doing this...In the end BGS was given a very slick ESRI-built
presentation using arcpad and they blew me away with built in icons
functions etc and BGS bought into arcpad (we are mostly esri anyway) (though
i note with satisfaction that we promptly modified their arcpad software to
adopt the stuff i had done in mapxmobile........)"

"Some years ago there was a product called Map'in'Hand, developed by a
MapInfo reseller, but MapInfo bought the company and quickly
retired the product to promote their MapXtend instead. However, MapXtend is
a client/server solution, requiring MapXtreme/Java at
the server, so that's not what you're looking for.

MapInfo do have a product called MapX Mobile (MapX for Windows CE), which
will fit your request. However, it's a developer's product, and probably
quite costly to deploy (the SDK is free). And it will require a good deal of
programming, unless someone has made a commercial product.

The hardware problem you face is that having TAB files on the PDA requires a
lot of memory, and the largest Palm (Tungsten) only has a maximum 150 Mb
"disk space" with an 128 Mb expansian card. Some of the PocketPC (e.g. the
iPaq) have optional microdrives with Gb of space, so that seems the better

There are plenty of free or cheap apps for e.g. Palm OS out there supporting
Shape files, but not TAB. ....."

"Check out the mobile mapping products from: Examin (www.geobasemap.com) and
also Encom (www.encom.com.au). I have used the former and there are
customizable forms, very nice. Just starting to test out the latter. I have
experience with products from both of them (both are australian) and they
are excellent."

Further information:

>From my enquiries, most systems seem to be based on a per mobile seat basis
with the cost for MapXMobile usually being around AU$500 + GST. Additional
software 'off the shelf' by the above vendors can set you back anywhere
between AU$400-1000.

To meet my needs of using the MapXMobile product to view a map (in my case
of the cadastre - property polygons) and subsequently click on a property
and bring up a customised form linked to a mobile database, it would seem
there is no 'off the shelf' solution. Several companies have proposed
solutions, all of which involve development time (and obvious associated
costs), and of course, additional software to meet that capacity.

Some of the vendors have very capable data management software back on the
'desktop' to enable appending of new records and changes to exisiting
records on the Main Desktop Mapinfo.TAB's if that meets your data capture

Thanks once again to all who took the time to reply.

Alistair Hart

Alistair Hart
Vector Control Officer
Dengue Action Response Team
Tropical Public Health Unit Network
PO Box 1103
Cairns QLD 4870
Ph: 0740 503 628
Fax: 0740 311 440

"Unless we use natural resources in a
sustainable way, we are mining the
future. Unless the relationships between
our citizens are respectful and inclusive,
we are a divided and diminished society."

Rick Farley, Aust. Day Speech 2003

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