
I'll pass on a few things that I've learned while deploying MapXtreme Java

1)  Use the latest version of MapXtreme you can get your hands on.  With
every revision, there seems to be a performance gain and the developers at
MapInfo really do try to squeeze every last ounce of performance out of the

2) Use the HotSpot Client VM.  Apparently, because of the graphic-centric
focus of MapXtreme, the Client VM is apparently just a little better at
rendering performance than the Server VM.

3) Use the latest JRE.  Same as MapInfo, Sun really does find ways to make
things run faster.  Just going from 1.3.1 to 1.4.2, I've noticed an increase
in performance.

4) If you don't have to force the -Djava.awt.Headless mode - don't.  You may
not have an option on the Solaris box that you're using but that will
probably make a big difference.

5) Try starting the VM with a larger heap size.

6) Create your MDF files as NamedMaps and call them using names.

This should give you a place to start.  I've had more headaches trying to
wrap MapXtreme into different application servers.  I learned that if you
don't have to deploy MapXtreme into a servlet container other than Tomcat,
don't.  These suggestions are a combination of recommendations that MapInfo
makes, and some of my own personal experience - take them with a grain of
salt.  The best way - test, test, test.

- Ian Erickson

----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, November 28, 2003 10:43 AM
Subject: MI-L MapXtreme Java performance tunning in Solaris

Hello all,

     I guess this question has been asked a hundred times... so I hope
of you guys can help me.

     I have developed an application using MapXtreme Java and is running
under a Solaris box with WebSphere as application server... it is already
up and running... however, our customer is screaming for a faster
we have done several adjustements at database level and even at code
now I was wondering if there is something we can do on the server
I was thinking on two main things to look at: Websphere configuration and
the X11 service configuration... Is my approach correct? Or do I have to
look somewhere else? Which do you guys think are the main parameters I
look at?

     Thank you in advance for any help you could give me.


     Jose Manuel Ramirez T

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