Please forgive my previous message. I should know better than 
to write email when I'm angry.  I was trying to paste something
into the message with CTRL-V and hit SHIFT-V instead, which sends the 

In case you're still curious, here's a continuaiton of what I was trying
to describe. 

Since my datasets were photogrametrically derived and had implied 
topological relationships with each other, I had to tune the MapInfo 
projection using Bounds clauses.  My Maryland State Plane coordinate 
system clause looked like this in MAPINFOW.PRJ:

"New Maryland State Plane (feet, tight to Maryland)", 2003, 74, 8, -77,
37.6666666667, 38.3, 39.45, 1312333.333, 0, 0, -700000, 2147483.648,

The relevant part of the .E00 file produced by the UT looks like this:

Projection    LAMBERT             
Datum         NAD83               
Zunits        NO                  
Units         FEET                
Spheroid      GRS80               
Xshift        0.0000000000        
Yshift        0.0000000000        
 38  18  0.000  /* 1st standard parallel
 39  27  0.000  /* 2nd standard parallel
-77  0  0.000  /* central meridian
 37  40  0.000  /* latitude of projection's origin
1312333.333000  /* false easting (meters)
0.000000  /* false northing (meters)

The comments emitted after the false-easting and false-northing parameters
finally led me to the ridiculous thing: In coverages, false-northing and
false-easting parameters are always in meters, regardless of the units used
by the projection!

But UT output the value in feet. 

When the E00 file was imported into a coverage, the false easting was
as meters and converted it to 4305546.943351 feet, placing objects on the
between Illinois and Indiana, rather than in Maryland where they should have

As Charlie Brown used to say, "My head hurts..."


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