Until version 6 there was in the file menu a sub menu to send mail. It has
disappeared with version 6.5. However in the MENU.DEF of the MapBasic 6.5
the definitions are still there

Define M_SENDMAIL_WORKSPACE             115

that means that one could "run menu command 114" to send the current window.
In 6.5 it adds a WMF of the current window to a blank message form one must
fill up (no way to fill in the address from MapBasic that I know of).

Jacques Paris
MapBasic-MapInfo support  http://www.paris-pc-gis.com

-----Original Message-----
From: Sloan Ritchie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 23-Mar-04 16:33
Subject: MI-L Can MapBasic initiate sending out e-mail from MS Outlook?


Does anyone have code examples of a way to send map files via e-mail, using
MapBasic scripts?

Or is there a MapInfo SendMail command?

RF Engineer
ATOS Origin
Seattle, WA

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