My interpretation is that the expression used to update a column must be
written with the MapBasic "vocabulary". I deduce that from the fact that
"update" as many other functions can be run from the MapBasic window that
does not support any "external" calls, i.e. calls to custom functions that
are not part of the MB set and must be supplied by the user, and the MB
window does not allow that.

Jacques Paris
MapBasic-MapInfo support

-----Original Message-----
From: Cummings, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 26-Apr-04 18:14
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: MI-L mapbasic Update table with custom function

I tried to compile this code:

Update "stable2" Set MTRS = Left$(bm,1)+Twn+Rge+right$("0"+sec,2),

(Where MTRS, BM, TWN, RGE, SEC, corner & Location are fields in stable2
and strpcorner is a custom function)

and I get this error message: Subroute Argument location not defined.

Why doesn't this work?  Shouldn't Mapbasic recognize that location is a
field name?

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