It seems that the name of a thematic layer is that of the original table
followed by (x) where x is the "distance" from the thematic to the original
layer (if one thematic > (1), if two, the topmost (2), the closest to the
thematic (1) )

The actual name of the layer on which the thematic is based can thus be
obtained by left$(layerinfo(win_id, layer_no, 1), instr(1,layerinfo(win_id,
layer_no, 1),"(") )

Jacques Paris
MapBasic-MapInfo support

-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Majtan [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 4-Jun-04 04:58
To: MI-list
Subject: MI-L Original layer name

Dear mappers,

is there any way how to get the name (or layer order) of the layer from
which the thematic one was derived? I need to know the original layer name
 from which "xxx" thematic layer was created.

Any help is appreciated.

Regards Stefan Majtan


GIS Applications Development
Grid Analyser - raster GIS for native MapInfo grid

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909 01 Skalica

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