I have two questions that seem to endlessly vex me... someday it will just

Question #1 - I am trying to make advantage on a rather large heap of SHP
data.  Each set of data have three files: a SHP, a DBF, and a PRJ.  I am
using MIP 7.5 and when I select *.SHP from MIP's Open File dialogs I go
through first a rename step on the way to TAB which also includes a button
for projection.  All the SHP data are correctly defined in their PRJ file as
WGS84 natively but the MIP Open>File>SHP apparently does not recognize the
"third file", PRJ, with the projection information in it?  Checking the
projection of the in-bound SHP file, the projection is defaulted as simple
Lat/Long and not Lat/Long WHS84 which should(?) be found in the PRJ file?
Am I missing something or is this one of those "as programmed" shortfalls? 

Question #2 - Firstly I want to thank and congratulate Data Directions for
their Win2Tab that makes a georegistered TIF, JPG, or BMP file from a MIP
window.  Why? If any of you are experimenting with PDA mapping or handheld
GPS devices this utility would seem a nifty way to put MIP backdrop maps in
PDAs and PNUs (personal navigation unit).  So here is my question.  If I
have a registered image in a MIP window, lets say UTM meters in the Mid-west
somewhere and overlain with streets (NAD27) and labels and the like, if I
use this nifty utility to make a world JPEG, am I going to run into all
sorts of almost correct registration issues since I didn't formally shift
the original UTM registered image to the targeted WGS84 output JPW format so
I best match the PDA's GPS connection? (I am using one of the many under $39
PDA mappers.) The issue being the original UTM MIP image will afinely warp
the NAD27 streets to it's projection.  Therefore the MIP window is in UTM
orientation which the Win2TAB utility is about to build a WGS84 JPW ....

Thanks for your insights...
MidNight Mapper
Aka neil

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