Hello David,

For as long as I can remember, MapInfo Pro has suffered from ADD, "Attention
Deficit Disorder". When progress bars are enabled (which is the default),
Pro needs window focus in order for it to proceed otherwise you get a
blinking application on your task bar. This happens on any operations that
brings up the progress bar. As Uffe stated, if the program is your own, you
can switch off the progress bars, otherwise you just have to leave the
application in focus or programmatically self-focus which would be very ugly
for the user. I would guess (although I cannot say for sure) that this
problem will go away in Pro v8.0 under the .NET framework.

The ADD problem means that Pro is not great for batch processing and you
cannot really do other things on a machine while a job is running, even if
your machine has the capacity to do so. Personally, I'm surprised that this
is not a condition of Windows application certification.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: David Baker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 19 October 2004 10:13
Subject: MI-L Mapbasic code won't execute unless MI has focus

I have a strange one here!

Running MI 4.5 under Windows XP home (but same problem occurs on another PC 
running Win98SE).

I have some code in the RemoteMsgHandler subroutine:

        Print "Stops at next line unless front window!"
        Commit Table Vessels    
        Print "Commit Table Vessels doesn't execute unless front window!"

If I run the MBX it so MI is not the front window (by having Calculator on
top so I can still 
see the MI message window), and some remote data comes in, the first Print
executes, but the 2nd print line doesn't, so it is getting stuck on the
"Commit Table 
Vessels" line.
The MapInfo icon in the task bar flashes orange but that is all that
happens. As soon as 
I click on the flashing icon to bring MI to the front, the code continues to
execute - the 
table is committed & the 2nd print statement executes.

Anyone know what is causing this "hanging"?

I also tried

        Print "Stops at next line unless front window!"
        Set Event Processing Off
        Commit Table Vessels    
        Print "Commit Table Vessels doesn't execute unless front window!"

just in case it was one of my other event handlers screwing things up, but


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