As a wise man once told me (my dad), "4 Wheel Drive means you travel further 
and get bogged deeper" The end result is you will need a bigger shovel. Knowing 
where you are when you get stuck doesn't help with the digging.....

-----Original Message-----
From: Peter Horsbøll Møller [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, 23 November 2004 10:58 AM
To: Bill Thoen; MapInfo-L
Subject: RE: MI-L SUM: MapInfo Web Services

>> But I suppose using these new tools is like driving a truck with four-wheel 
>> drive. 
>> Now I can get stuck in much more remote places
Yes, but then it's good it is GIS you are working with. You should be able to 
find a way out from anywhere ;-)
Of course that require that someone else has been there before you and mapped 
the area !
Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
5260 Odense S.
Tel   + 45 6311 4900
Dir   +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax  + 45 6311 4949


From: Bill Thoen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tue 23-Nov-04 03:33
To: MapInfo-L
Subject: MI-L SUM: MapInfo Web Services

As I mentioned yesterday I've been exploring how to use XML and SOAP as
applied to web services, and so I was looking for some working examples.
Here's what I've received.

First, a correction. The best place to dip into the ESRI (mostly free) web
services is probably at

MapInfo's entry into this arena is a product called Envinsa. Check it out
at Ian Erickson pointed this one out and notes
that "...specialized web services are NOT cheap but they simplify delivery
of geo-spatial solutions to such a degree that more and more software
developers will not need to be GIS experts, but rather just a subscriber
to a geo-spatial service." I think that maybe he has something here...
Should we developers be worried?

But for now, there are still a few free toys to play with that will teach
you how it's done. IL Thomas mentions TerraServer:

"Microsoft TerraService has code examples, SOAP, etc. And you can link to
it. See Introductory
material is here:";

Antoine Gilbert mentioned, and suggested I go
to the "full listing" link. This is a collection of generally
non-map-oriented services --mostly free-- but as the first response to the
"daily quote" one I tried said, "Free advice is worth what you paid for

Antoine also mentioned XMLSpy, which is a toolkit to facilitate working
with web services via SOAP and their WSDL (Web Service Description
Language) file. As it turns out, I spent a half day on Sunday coding a
SOAP request and response XML-parsing module in VB6 (because VB6 is what I
have on my laptop at home) to access the Arcweb FindPlace web service, but
when I got into my office this morning (where I have C# and .NET) I was
shocked to realize that all you have to do to set up a client to "consume"
a web service in the .NET environment is simply add the WSDL file to "Web
References" and badda bing, all the objects for the web service are
defined and ready to go! The only code you have to write after that is
about 10 lines to get it to work. Took about 10 minutes. Wow! C#, .NET and
the Visual Studio IDE is rather impressive!

But I suppose using these new tools is like driving a truck with
four-wheel drive. Now I can get stuck in much more remote places!

- Bill Thoen

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