Hello Rachel,

Actually shapefiles don't contain any coordinate system or datum
information. They just store dumb number coordinates which have no intrinsic
context. In the current versions of ArcGIS, a projection file (.prj) is
used, with the same name as the shapefile set, to define the settings. You
can create one of these from a list of supported system using ArcCatalog.
You might like to check if your old data has had this added.

Also, don't forget that the UT does not add a spatial index. If you data is
anything more than trivial in size, you will need to build this (again in
ArcCatalog) to improve drawing/spatial performance.

Warren Vick
Europa Technologies Ltd.

-----Original Message-----
From: GIS Helpdesk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 23 November 2004 17:58
Subject: MI-L datum error in universal translator

hi all

we have a user who has translated a mapinfo tab file into an esri shape
using version 4 of the universal translator that comes with mapinfo 7.5.

although it has maintained the projection (as you would expect, it reads
from the source file) it has garbled the datum, ellipsoid etc 'world
placement' settings.

has any one else seen this or know what why it happens?

im assuming that there is some kind of mappings file in the UT utility that
controls the translation of these values, but equally the error could be in
the code not picking up the original values to start with.

the problem did not occur with an older version of UT apparently, although
we are verifying this.

all suggestions welcome!


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