Hi Jocelyn!

First of all, let me remind you of the hardcoded limitation MapInfo has on 
large outputs.
On Friday, August 13, 2004, Cinda Graubard from GeoMax wrote to this list:

MapInfo tech support has confirmed what a client recently stated: MapInfo
has a hard wired printing limitation of 28,000 pixels per any row or
column.  Tech support told me that MapInfo imposes this limitation in 
to keep the software compatible with Microsoft's Windows 98 or lower
operating systems.

That's one factor to bear in mind. But the pixel size you needed seems to 
fall short of that limit by far.

The image size you indicate may compressed fit into a jpg file of 20 MB 
but may during creation occupy 500 MB or more of RAM memory. Even if you 
have 1 GB of RAM, the available part of that during operation may be much 
So my guess is that RAM memory is the limiting factor here, since you are 
able to create a file with a lower resolution.

In my experience, MapInfo does not like to diskswap memory and aborts the 
process when it runs out of memory. I also sometimes wonder if there is 
some hardcoded RAM limitation in MapInfo as well, for reasons similar to 
the above.

Increasing RAM may be costly, and may not even help, so my suggestion is 
that you look into the printing process. Do you really need to print the 
full 914x1600 image at 300 dpi?
Could you perhaps create the image with 150-200 dpi and then resample it 
in Photoshop? My guess is that the difference will be hard to tell, and 
lost in the fuzzyness that the jpeg compression will create anyway.

Hälsning / Best regards Mats.E
FB Engineering AB
Södra Förstadsgatan 26
211 43 Malmö

Tel: 040-660 25 50
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Fax: 040-660 25 99

"Jocelyn O'Byrne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
2004-12-08 05:54




Hi All,


Can any of you mapinfo guru's advise of the maximum file size allowable
to output a layout to jpeg.


I am attempting to create a 300dpi jpeg file.  Window size is
914mm/1600mm ; 10794/18897 pixels.  I get an error message: 0# file not
registered for access. 


I have successfully created a 150 dpi file, whoever a higher resolution
is required jpeg for use in a photo package.


I have 1GB ram.


I look forward to any help.


Kind regards

Jocelyn O'Byrne


Crescent Gold 


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