To follow on the "speed issues" I wanted to add my two cents...

I've been using ram drive technology with cad and other high end software for 
about fifteen years. It's a must to improve performance but one has to know how 
to use it. You can find multiple "ramdrive" products. Some are even hardware 
made of a special memory board... There are some even available for free on the 
Microsoft Web site but I don't remember if it will be available for the most 
recent versions of Windows

You can find some ram drive products that automatically transfer the files you 
are working on in the ramdrive, as you close your file, it will automatically 
save it back on a specific hardrive, etc...

There are also memory defragmenter. Those can reorganize the location of you 
program in memory (similar to a hard disk defragmenter).This can speed up your 
applications and save memory. Usually, they can be set to optimize whenever 
your computer is on and using less then a specific amount of processor usage 
(ex: less then 2%)(Some are freeware...)

I used to design computer system to optimize gis and cad application but I 
haven't been in that business for years... I am not up to date with what is out 
there. There were some hard drive controllers that used to really improved some 
application like digitizing, working with huge raster by having their own 
processors and memory. I have seen improvement up to a 100 times with it if you 
could afford the $2000 they use to cost. Like I said, I'm not sure what is 
available, cost, etc. anymore. They are also raid hardrive systems that will 
copy the same data to multiple drives and when you retrieve it, it gets it from 
more then one location. That will also improved you application and servers a 
lot... I still use ramdrive but as far as other products, one should look over 
the net to find what is available these days.

The efficiency of those utilities depending on maker... One algorithm can be 
efficient for a specific software or/and a version of windows and not so good 
in other situations. 

As an exemple, Quarterdesk used to make a few utilities like that and was 
sooooo efficient with Autocad in windows 98. In those years, with the high 
price of memory one could easily save 95% of hardrive work and save over an 
hour a day for a software that used to cost a hundred bucks!

The choice of your Ramdrive product could also be influenced by the way you 
data is located. Some can also be use on the network server. This can really 
improved "shared files" or web server application. There are some products 
specially made for this and need to be set properly.

Some application work with temp files. A ramdrive can then significally improve 
your application. As an exemple, software like illustrator that some of you may 
use can be set to a specific drive. What an improvement using it with a 

The same with Mapbasic applications. Sometime we have to make extraction of 
files and save them in temporary files to be able to work on specific issues. 
This is also a good use of a ram drive. I've used once to optimize a program 
(not in Mapinfo but with an other GIS on Unix)that used to take about 24 hours 
to process. By changing a few lines of codes and ramdrive technology, I cut it 
to less then 10 minutes!

An other issue is the way that window manage memory. As I mentioned before, I 
don't keep myself up to date with the latest technology but I would like to 
introduce an other concept to improve performance. It's called "bashing".

Most of you know that computer as regular memory and a bit of faster and more 
expensive memory called cache. This can improved calculation. The CPU takes the 
data it's working on, send it to memory but copy it first to the cash. To 
retrieve again the data from memory to continue the operation, it makes a call 
to memory but look at cache first. They are many types of cache and some are 
made to use regular memory within the operating system. A performance problem 
can occur, when the application copy elements in the cache then elsewhere in 
memory or hardrive, sometime if you copy an element "A" in cache, it will also 
be copied in the memory or hardrive. If you then work on an element "B" that 
will overwrite the content of the cache (A) and after ward when you need to 
call back "A". It has to do the process of looking in the cache, can't find it, 
look elsewhere, find it, copy it again in the cache and finish the process. 
That would have process faster without doing the process of using the cache...

This is usually a computer with more cache will have a tendency to make less 
bashing since it has more room to store the data. I wouldn't be surpised to see 
application somewhere that could used those techniques very efficiently within 
windows (it used to be but haven't checked latest version...) and someone with 
a good amount of memory (that is more affordable everyday with  the odd ups and 
downs), that know its software, uses some of the techniques mentioned can 
really improved speed.

In resume, know how you application works and find the appropriate add-on that 
will benefit you the most and if the time and money investment worth it...


-----Original Message-----
From: Jakob Lanstorp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, December 20, 2004 10:43
Subject: RE: MI-L : Speed processing issues

Have you tried RAM disk from Super Speed.
I have not tested it throughly yet. If you get 2 GB RAM, your can
reserve 1.5 GB RAM for your MapInfo data.

Prehaps other on this forum have experience with RamDisk, this very
simple test, below, with 2,2 million points (300MB), 
turned out to run 62.5% faster, when all MI data was copied in the RAM
with RamDisk, compaired to data present on the harddisk. 

dim start as integer 
dim elapsed  as integer
set table DavAdrDK undo off fastedit on
start = timer()
update DavAdrDK set row_id = ROWID
elapsed = Timer() - start
print "Time sec: " + str$(elapsed) 
unDim start 
undim elapsed 

Mvh. | Regards

Jakob Lanstorp
Software Developer
Geographical Information & IT 

Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S 
Tel     +45 99 36 77 00
Direct +45 99 36 77 86
Fax    +45 99 36 77 01

-----Original Message-----
From: Data Directions [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 20 December 2004 13:37
To: MapInfo List
Subject: MI-L : Speed processing issues

I am doing erase, combine and disaggregate operations on 1.3 Gb files,
and needless to say, the processing times are ridiculous ... hours and
hours .. ad infinitum!

I have implemented the idea of using the MapBasic window and choosing to
bypass transaction files by the process:

set table YourTableName fastedit on undo off

Aside from the impractical option of purchasing a Sun Sparc station,
would it help if I was to increase my RAM or even processor speed? I am
currently running on a 2.4 GHz Pentium 4 with 512 Mb RAM. Or should I
maybe consider doing these operations in another product that imports
MID/MIF files?

Thanks again,


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