Maybe the easiest way would be to create these segments as an array of separate polyline objects, and then combine them into one when you have finished.


On Mon, 17 Jan 2005 16:44:45 +0800, David Baker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have a MapBasic 4.5 command:

Alter Object TempPolyLine Node Add Position PolylineSections, ObjectInfo(TempPolyLine, OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) + 1 (PointLong, PointLat)

TempPolyLine is my polyline which was originally created with:

        Create Pline Into Variable TempPolyLine 0

PolylineSections is a "SmallInt value (one or larger), identifying one section from a
polyline object".

ObjectInfo(TempPolyLine, OBJ_INFO_NPNTS) + 1 is of course the number of
existing nodes + 1, to refer to my new node number that I am about to create.

PointLat & PointLong are my Latitude & Longitude of the node I want to create.

I am reading in polylines from another file format (Garmin .mp "polish" format). These
polylines have multiple sections, so I want to create the MapInfo polylines with the same
multiple sections.

All works well while PolylineSections is 1, but as soon as I try to add the first node after
changing PolylineSections to 2, I get a MapBasic error:

        "Alter Object Node Add failure"

Am I trying to do this the wrong way? Can I just keep adding points & the new section
will be created automatically, or am I missing some command to inform MapBasic that I
am adding in a new section?



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