You will probably need to go to the Documents and Settings\Local  
Settings\Temp folder for the Owner or whatever the Primary user or 
Administrator  has 
named the folder and delete the .tmp files.
If you have over 9999 of any one file type, Windows will balk, and Mapinfo  
will crash.
You might want to delete the queries programmatically after the routine is  
finished with each query that way you won't accumulate an excess number of  
queries (.tmp) files.
Below is some Mapbasic code that is very ugly but might work. and  I am sure 
there are many other better ways to do this and some of the other  listers 
will probably give you a better solution, but you can give this a  try.
Dim query_count as integer
Query_count = 1
Select * From IH_All_Babies Where Study_# In (Select Study_#  From

IF SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS) > 0
'***Insert Your other Code Here, Update fields etc.
Drop table selection
Drop table "Query" + query_count
query_count = query_count + 1
end if
Please be advised that I think this will only work in a Mapbasic program  and 
not in the Mapbasic window.
But the first thing I would do would be to delete all of the .tmp  files.
Regards and I hope this helps,
Jon Gramm

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