Another heads-up with regard to use of WMS in MapInfo Pro (7.8) :

I've had a close look at actual parameters being sent by MapInfo Pro to a
WMS server. And my findings are very disappointing.

MapInfo Pro _always_ use screen resolution (96 dpi) when requesting WMS
layers, not only for map windows but also for layout windows !

The result is, that prints from layouts look horrible. Exporting a mapper or
layout also use screen resolution, and zooming in the layout prior to
printing doesn't change anything.

I even went as far as inserting a script between Pro and the WMS server,
applying a multiplication of the requested image width and height to achieve
254 dpi, but Pro just rejects the extra pixels returned, and inserts the
upper-left corner of the returned image using screen resolution.

Has anyone come up with a work-around to enable use of MapInfo Pro for
decent printing including WMS layers ?

Best regards / Med venlig hilsen
Lars V. Nielsen
Hvenegaard & Meklenborg
Rugaardsvej 55, DK-5000 Odense C

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