Dear List

I am trying to find hot spots (i.e. the best places) for particular habitats 
across a UK county.

I have a Map Plot grid of various habitats (100 ha sq) and another empty grid 
of 1 km sq.  The only information I am interested in is the presence or absence 
of any particular habitat in the smaller grid squares and finding out how many 
occur per 1 km square.  I am hoping to produce a series of maps of the 1km 
squares across the county that have the most (and least) of any particular 
habitat.  The map should end up looking a bit like a contour map with a legend 
to indicate each of the habitat hot spots.

I have looked at the help file on thematic maps and it appears that this must 
be the way forward.  I have tried a few options using the help file on thematic 
maps (and the guide "Inside MapInfo") but have not got anywhere.  Any helpful 
hints and/or instructions would be welcome ...  

If MapInfo (V6.5) can not do what I hope to achieve could Vertical Mapper 
(V2.6)?  I have only used proper height data with VM so am puzzled as to how I 
could use it to map presence/absence data.

Thanks in advance for any help and I will of course acknowledge any 
instructions that have helped me achieve my aims!

All the best

Jacqui Middleton

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