
Could you developpe more about what you find odd and uggly about it ? I've 
tested this software last month and quite liked it. If it wasn't for my 
boss, I think that I'd switch to Manifold.. But I've tested it at a time 
when we were very busy on another project and I didn't have the time to 
make indepth tests. Nevertheless in two days, I was able to get all my 
base maps working, the scale and north orientation were immediately 
correctly imported by Manifold, the thematic maps features were to my 
liking and the server worked flawlessly (but we didn't spend much time 
fiddling with security protections, only opened it wide for a while).. The 
graphic interface looks nice IMO.  I did particularly appreciate the fact 
that there are not so many files around as with MapInfo. The logic is 
somewhat different than that of MapInfo with respect to thematic maps, but 
once you have a look at the introduction the documentation is very well 
done and didactic and the learning curve is fast. 

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"Flavio Hendry" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
03.08.2005 10:18
        Pour :  MapInfo-L@lists.directionsmag.com
        cc : 
        Objet : RE: MI-L Reasonably Priced GIS/CAD Packages For A Small 

hi all

> Bizarrely, it seems to have more features than MapInfo or ArcView 
> (such as a Map Server), certainly for the price...

we looked at it many times. it is just to odd to use - they should be 
nominated for the "worst software design price", they'd win every year 
by far ...

Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
Flavio Hendry

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