hi Jakob

as follows:

> I do not agree. To a lot of raster work VM is far superior to
> Engage3D.

I don't know what you are using, but it seems it is not Engage 3D, as 
all you say is defintely wrong. Engage supports raster/grids in many 
formats and I can do almost anything with it: 3D (full, not a 2.5 view 
like in VM), many filters on grids, grid calculator, superior contour 
generator (best and fastest seen so far), slope, aspect, colouring, 
relief (in 2.0 amazing) and much more such as raster/vector overlays!!! 
there is nothing, absolutely nothing in VM that can compare.
> for this to be THE tool it must refer to z-coords in MapInfo tab

For 3-D vecotrs clearly as MI does not support 3D vectors. Where are 3D 
vectors in VM?

> interpolation part of VM is very strong to but the need

Engage (2.0) is as well here far better, i.e. it supports breaklines 
and huge files and has at least as many interpolation alogrythms as VM 

> -If a customer need to go all the way from data collection,
> interpolation, viewing and analysis I will still recommend Vertical
> Mapper.

Engage is defintely superior as well here, see above.
> Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
> Flavio Hendry
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