
I think the interpretation is a legacy of terminal control keys, you can see the same keystroke duplication in the command prompt in Windows, presumeably there is a list somewhere of these, though why Mapinfo is responsive to them isn't clear.


Peter Horsbøll Møller wrote:

You are right. This was actually a problem I also ran into, but I couldn't 
recall what actually was the problem.
Another problem is that Ctrl+I seems to conflict with using the Tab in the Info 
window and in browser windows.

So appearently there are some shortcut keys that should be avoided. Some I 
guess can be discovered by checking the key codes, but some seems to be some 
kind of interpretation happing in MapInfo ??

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer, MTM
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-----Original Message-----
From: Andy Harfoot [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, October 14, 2005 11:27 AM
To: MI-L
Subject: MI-L Customised Hotkeys and the MB window

A little addition to the discussion about editing the Mapinfo.mnu to add custom hotkeys. I successfully created a couple of hotkeys to switch between the select and pan tools by inserting the following lines into the window menu section of Mapinfo.mnu:

   calling 1701,
   calling 1702,

These worked fine, but I subsequently discovered that mapping the Ctrl+M sequence had the unwanted effect of disabling the ability to run commands in the Mapbasic window. I think the Ctrl+M sequence equates to a carriage return character (and vice versa?), and that defining a Ctrl+M hotkey causes presses of the return key in the Mapbasic window to
be intercepted.

Whilst investigating this though, I also discovered that the Ctrl+Return key will insert a line feed character into the Mapbasic window, and this is useful if you need a new line to type on.


Andrew Harfoot
Geodata Institute
University of Southampton

tel: +44 (0) 23 80592719
fax: +44 (0) 23 80592849

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