Hi Tony

Sorry if I have the "wrong end of the stick" but I think MapInfo does do
what you need now. 

The knack is to separate the TAB away from the SHP. Say you want your
SHP files to be accessed from drive f ( ie READONLY ).

Then copy just the TAB files to say "c:\SHPFiles\" ( which would be

Then edit the TAB file. Just before the 

Type SHAPEFILE  ....

add a line
File "f:\some_table.dbf"

This pointer to the shape files DBF tells MapInfo where to find the SHP
as well. However it will wrote its DAT,ID to where the TAB is.





In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Photogrammetry GIU
>>>> Photogrammetry GIU 2005-10-18 10:53:51 >>>
>Thanks Bob
>I agree that I can open a .shp file and be prompted to locate the
>folder to dump the MI components into. 
>However it loses all the symbology data and appears in black and
>The TAB file that came with the data contains in the metadata all the
>symbology and projection data needed. 
>Hence the need to open the data set using the tab file provided.
>When I put the files into a write-access folder, the tab file works a
>treat and I get nice red dotted objects, together with a temporary set
>of .map, .id and .dat components which are deleted when the table is
>closed. During the open sequence assorted status statements come up
>showing the conversion process. This is a feature of MI from I believe 7
>onwards, but it needs to modified for MI8.1 et seq so that remote site
>or CD data can be opened this way, ie MI checks that the folder (device)
>is not readonly, and if it is, asks where to put the MI components, even
>if it does delete them afterwards. I can always use a save as command
>somewhere in the session.
>>>> bob young <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 2005-10-18 10:27:54 >>>
>Hi Tony
>In MapInfo 8.0, if you open up a native SHP file, MapInfo prompts you
>for a folder for the TAB, MAP and ID file. Therefore these can then be
>in a seperate folder to the SHP file. They are built "on the fly" each
>time you open the "TABBED" SHP.
>Your example of a TAB file seems to be missing a reference to the DBF
>file which is how MapInfo knows the SHP file is in a different folder
>the TAB, DAT and ID. This then should allow SHP in readonly (eg CD)
>TAB etc in writable folder.
>I hope this helps. If not please let me know and I will do a bit more
>In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Photogrammetry GIU
>>I recently had access to a "tabbed" shape file with the components
>>listed below, which failed to open. A message of "Unknown error"
>>appeared and then a browser came up. I tracked this down to the fact
>>that the folder the table was in was readonly (it could have been on
>>CD or URL). 
>>1.          Is there a setting in MI8 that allows MI to use the
>>designated temporary folder instead of trying (and failing) to create
>>the .map, .id and .dat components in the readonly file?
>>2.          Is there a line that can be added to the metadata to tell
>>MI to use the temporary folder?
>>The obvious current workaround is to copy all the components to a
>>folder where the readonly flag is not set.
>>File List:
>>!version 700
>>!charset WindowsLatin1
>>Definition Table
>>  Type SHAPEFILE Charset "WindowsLatin1"
>>  Fields 7
>>    Id_number Decimal (10, 0) ;
>>    Name Char (240) ;
>>    Registrati Date ;
>>    Current_ca Char (10) ;
>>    Easting Decimal (6, 0) ;
>>    Northing Decimal (6, 0) ;
>>    Area_ha Float ;
>>"\IsReadOnly" = "FALSE"
>>"\Shapefile" = ""
>>"\Shapefile\PersistentCache" = "FALSE"
>>"\Spatial Reference" = ""
>>"\Spatial Reference\Geographic" = ""
>>"\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Projection" = ""
>>"\Spatial Reference\Geographic\Projection\Clause" = "CoordSys Earth
>>Projection 8, 79, ""m"", -2, 49, 0.9996012717, 400000, -100000 Bounds
>>(-7845061.1011, -15524202.1641) (8645061.1011, 4470074.53373)"
>>"\DefaultStyles" = ""
>>"\DefaultStyles\Pen" = ""
>>"\DefaultStyles\Pen\LineWidth" = "1"
>>"\DefaultStyles\Pen\LineStyle" = "0"
>>"\DefaultStyles\Pen\Color" = "255"
>>"\DefaultStyles\Pen\Pattern" = "2"
>>"\DefaultStyles\Brush" = ""
>>"\DefaultStyles\Brush\Pattern" = "52"
>>"\DefaultStyles\Brush\Forecolor" = "65280"
>>"\DefaultStyles\Brush\Backcolor" = "16777215"
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bob young

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