This was posted by MapInfo today.  It might have direct bearing on your

Thoughts anyone?

MidNight Mapper


Many internet users world wide took notice when Google announced the
availability of their latest map based searching tool called Google
Earth(tm). The interface enables the user to search for places of
interest. Once found, the application displays an aerial image of that
location on a map.
In addition, the application provides presentation of search results via
an attractive user interface and universally accepted context of
imagery. As a stand alone offering, Google Earth remains of limited
value particularly to businesses and organizations, due to the minimal
functionality it offers. 

We at MapInfo however, saw this opportunity as a means to help our
customers communicate the value of MapInfo more effectively with the
rest of their organization.  To this end, we looked for ways to
interoperate with this popular tool. 

By the end of October/early November 2005, MapInfo plans to make
available on our web site a utility that will enable MapInfo
Professional customers to share maps and analysis results with Google
Earth users. By doing so, more individuals served by our customers stand
to benefit from location based analysis. The release of this utility
also underscores MapInfo's continued commitment to interoperability with
industry accepted tools including Oracle, IBM and Microsoft technologies
among others. 

For MapInfo Professional customers, the ability to share analysis maps
via Google Earth will serve as one more output option with which to
attractively present and increase the value and the awareness of
location based analysis maps with non-location intelligence aware

-----Original Message-----
From: Cinda Graubard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2005 4:39 PM
Subject: MI-L composite European satellite image

Can anyone point me to a free, earth registered, composite satellite
image for all of Europe?

Cinda Graubard

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