You may have discarded my first message because you did have the slightest
idea of the problem or knowledge of the context (MapBasic6.5). Here is
another one that let me flabbergasted.

It is in the same context of building a dialog box with plenty of
radiogroups. Each one should be disabled (except for the "first" one) and
with no pre-selection (value 0 for all). Here are some "strange" things I

1 - the value of 1 was assigned to some

2 - a message normally sent via its handler when activating a certainly
control would appear before the dialog is displayed

3 - some controls would be enabled.

I have found a way to avoid these problems: reordering the order of the
control commands within the dialog definition lines of code. But if that
allowed me to move on, it left me with a very sour taste because I have no
idea of the why and thus I am unable to "prevent" it from happening again.

Does anyone have any idea of what is happening there? Has it been corrected
since version 6.5?

Jacques Paris
MapBasic-MapInfo support

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