Yes, you need a bit of “hand” adjustment on the google side but the tools and their dialogs are straight forward – interestingly quite like MIP IMHO.  I say in an hour or less you can understand its essentials and be exporting effectively to Earth Google.  I would also suggest that having a “subscription” to GE will make a difference.  Why?  Anytime I have gone to check if GE Pro has been upgraded/repaired, in the last nine months, there has been a download. 


Please note this.  GE Local is getting smarter and smarter (data and feature) and I am finding more and more listings that guide you through sets of world information like military bases, hikes in the Grand Canyon, and a wild patch of simply odd but interesting mash-ups…  As for all of us, I was drawn into a wicki-wicki last week from one of the GE Pro Localizations.  Not well done but totally unexpected and conceptually very cool!


I was wondering if anyone out there had insight as to the pace and/or strategy for additions of new high resolution imagery?  


MidNight MApper\

Aka neil


Sent: Monday, November 21, 2005 5:57 AM
To: Neil Havermale
Subject: Ang. RE: [MI-L] arc globe - Earth Google MAP2EarthGoogle.mbx


Hi All!

What a splendid idea!
I'm already thinking of using the GElink as presentation aid.
Imagine simply mailing a small KML file and the have Google Earth do all the work.
One thing though - it says that GE does not support all the point and line styles of MapInfo, but will default to its own standard:
"Objects using an unsupported Google Earth point style display in Google Earth as a pushpin."
Fair enough, but how can you tell how a particular style will fare in GE?
Some information on this would be most helpful since the trial and error approach will cost a lot of time.

Hälsning / Best regards Mats.E
FB Engineering AB
Södra Förstadsgatan 26
211 43 Malmö

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"Neil Havermale" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

2005-11-19 18:49






RE: [MI-L] arc globe - Earth Google  MAP2EarthGoogle.mbx




If you are an MIP 8.0 licensed user you can pass both raster image of a “map window” or current slects of actual point, line, or boundary objects (current limit of 2,000 objects per layer) directly into Earth Google as of Tuesday last.  Check out MapInfo’s 8.0 update site for this newly provided MBX utility from MapInfo.  My experimentation with this utility over the last several days is that its pretty darned neat. It only sends MapInfo objects; it does not import data from Earth Google.  There are some interesting and relevant license issues that will spawn out of tools like this.   I use Earth Google Pro ($400/yr) and I don’t know for certain about how the MIP export performs with the free version, Earth Google, or the $20/yr license for Earth Google Plus?   IMHO this is one of the most interesting cross-integrations MapInfo has sent out…
“The MapInfo Professional (TM) Link Utility for Google Earth (TM) enables MapInfo Professional v8.0 customers to share analysis maps with others via Google Earth. This export method will serve as one more output option you can use to attractively share the value of location based analysis maps with the rest of your organization.”
MidNight Mapper
Aka neil


From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Barbara Carroll
Saturday, November 19, 2005 9:05 AM
[MI-L] arc globe

Is anyone aware of a program similar to ESRI’s arc-globe that works with mapinfo?  I have a project that I need to create a visual presentation and my client has seen output from Arc-Globe and likes it.  My preference is not to have to translate the data to a new format.
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