Dear List

I thought some features we are adding for use with MapInfo Professional,
might be of interest to the list, and therefore relevant to "New

We have developed two new features:

1. Increase maximum file size from 2 GB to 16 Terrabytes for use inside
MapInfo Professional.

2. Cache network drive to local drive to reduce network traffic.

Feature 1. We have developed a 64 bit format, that uses a balanced RTREE
and has similar performance to TAB. However single files can be up to 16
Terrabytes. We have done extensive testing with a large dataset - over
50 GB of data.

Feature 2. We have developed an MBX that "on the fly" reads the 64 bit
format and caches it to a MapInfo users local drive. IF the user then
zooms in or pans inside the MBR of the cache there is no call on the
network drive. If they move outside the MBR of the Cache the cache is
rebuilt. Performance is very similar to viewing native TAB files.

The source data does not have to be on a network drive, but if it is
network traffic could be significantly reduced. For example if a user
locates themselves by viewing a town - then zooms in on a street to add
all the street lights from their paper records. As they pan in and zoom
up the street adding records to native MapInfo tables, any data they are
viewing that is in 64 bit format, and being cached is NOT being sampled
from the network drive. These 64 bit "tables" can be mixed with native
TAB, Oracle, SQL Spatialware etc within the users workspace.

I am not personally convinced that .NET gives users more features. It
gives developers great new features that should lead to lower cost
software through increased productivity - particularly the GDI plus
features and support for DirectX. The main benefit to users, and to the
employers of users, is ease of deployment. However Win32 can be written
to be easy to deploy as well.

As a development company we've always been keen to add features to
MapInfo, but sometimes do not in case the feature comes in the next
version. The two features mentioned here are not coming in the next
version so we would be keen to here from users who are interested in
files over 2 GB, and the potential savings in network traffic that the
Caching could bring about.

Merry Christmas everyone!



In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, David Reid
>Another vote for cartography
>This is obviously a sign that the powers that be for whatever reason, have
>forsaken the opinions on this list.
>When I think back over the years that I've been watching this list, I recall
>the same similar comments as Flavio makes... "we've been waiting for xxxxxx
>since version xxxx" and that version seems to always be around version 4'ish
>and the "what we want" usually is the same issues.
>As I started out my journey with Mapinfo at v4, then upgrading to 6.0 then
>6.5, I can honestly say, 6.5 is definetly far better than 4 but so many of
>the issues people ranted about in v4 are still there in 6.5 and from what
>I've gleamed from the list, are evidentally still be in the current version.
>I think Trey indicated his satisfaction with v6.5 and Bill hammered home the
>cartographic issues and I have to agree, to validate the expense of an
>upgrade, I'll have to see enhancements on the cartographic side. People I
>deal with aren't impressed with what I do behind the scenes in Mapinfo, to
>them, it's the final printed map they want to see.
>But I think I also recall we've been down this road before and it was Bill
>and some others who pointed out that the once flagship Mapinfo Professional
>Desktop is now downgraded to a "tender" within the Mapinfo Fleet of other
>Ho Ho Ho...
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Flavio
>Sent: Thursday, December 22, 2005 1:34 AM
>To: Bill Thoen; MapInfo List
>Subject: [MI-L] Fixes and New MapInfo Features
>Hi Bill
>Yessss, all of it, instead of useless "kind of 3D" junk. We and our 
>clients are asking for that since version 4 ... Thanks for summarizing!
>> And I agree with you all -- why HASN'T this bug been fixed yet? In
>> fact, 
>> if MapInfo needs some featues to add for the next release that will 
>> actually excite people and motivate them to upgade, why not fix all
>> the 
>> layout bugs and add some features that will allow us to put a finish
>> on 
>> our maps that makes them look like cartographic art rather than
>> 'toons? 
>> Why not add antialiasing like what's in SVG? Why not text on a curve,
>> and some of the smart street labeling that's in MapText's Label-EZ?
>> Why 
>> not provide line styles where you can change both the inside AND
>> outside 
>> color? Why not color gradational fills? How about vector layer 
>> translucense? How about finishing the cartographic legend utility?
>Mit freundlichem Gruss / Best Regards
>Flavio Hendry
>############      Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Kind Regards
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>############         TYDAC AG -
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>############   Tel +41 (0)31 368 0180 - Fax +41 (0)31 368 1860
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