
Not sure if this is what you want.
But you could pass your dates (converted to strings first) to this
function to test them before doing the labelling:

Function IsDate(sDateText as string) as logical
        OnError goto Error_IsDate

        dim iDay as smallint

        iDay = Day(sDateText)
        IsDate = True

        Exit function

        IsDate = False

End Function

David Llewellyn

-----Original Message-----
From: Cummings, Mike [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, 11 January 2006 4:37 AM
To: MapInfo-L (E-mail)
Subject: [MI-L] labels & formatdate$()

We have databases were we record start and ending dates.  I need to be
able to query records and have the dates in the label.  I have found
that null values in these date fields are troublesome.   

For example: If I use the formatdate$(abddate) to display the date in a
format that is easy to read and abddate=null; I get an error message
instead of a label.

So I tried to make different layers-one non-null & one null.  I couldn't
quite get it right, there always seemed to be records "fall through the
cracks". (there isn't a isnull() function)

I have looked for a solution and haven't found much.  At this point, I
believe that I'm going to have to query the data into different layers
(if I want to use the formatdate$() function). 

How do I separate the null date values from non-null date values? 
Can you put a conditional statement in a label expression?


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