I finally found the reason for the incorrectly shaped voronoi polygons. 
It seems the Projection your points are in effects the shape of the
voronoi polygons created.  The points table I used to create the voronoi
polygons from was in a Longitude/Latitude Projection, which created the
inaccuracies.  When I saved the table and changed the projection to
Regional Equal-Area Projectons (North America), the new voronoi polygons
from these points was correct.

Thanks to all for the help.

"Karl Kliparchuk" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thursday, January 12,
2006 at 10:43 AM -0700 wrote:
>I think the problem may occur at the edges, as the voroni polys are drawn
>based on points.  You may want to consider placing dummy points around
>the edges of your data distribution in order to constrain the polygons.
>GIS Business Manager
>McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
>100 - 780 Beatty Street                         
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>web: [ http://www.MapsByAir.com ]www.MapsByAir.com
>>>> Robert DeRubeis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 01/12/06 9:32 AM >>>
>I got the same results with only 26 points as with all 15,000 so I guess
>the number of points doesn't seem to matter.  Something seems to be off a
>little in MI Pro as to how it creates the voronoi polygons.
>Peter Horsbøll Møller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Thursday, January 12, 2006 at 9:17
>AM -0700 wrote:
>>Have you tried to create voronoi on just those two stores and approx. 30
>>stores around these ?
>>This should give them same result as when you create for all your 58000
>>Peter Horsbøll Møller 
>>GIS Developer, MTM 
>>Geographical Information & IT 
>>Odensevej 95 
>>DK-5260 Odense S. 
>>Tel     +45 6311 4900 
>>Direct  +45 6311 4908 
>>Mob     +45 5156 1045 
>>Fax     +45 6311 4949 
>>E-mail  [ [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
>>[ [ http://www.cowi.dk/gis ]http://www.cowi.dk/gis ][
>http://www.cowi.dk/gis ]http://www.cowi.dk/gis 
>>Robert DeRubeis [[ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2006 4:41 PM
>>To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
>>Cc: Peter Horsbøll Møller
>>Subject: Re: [MI-L] voronoi polgon
>>I have used the Distance Calculator in MI Pro v7.8 and that gave the
>>correct closest store location.  But I'm wanting to assign some 58,000
>>customers to the closest store.  The number of customers will vary
>>depending on how many customers fall within that particular voronoi
>>polygon, which is anywhere from zero and up.  
>>The whole problem seems to be the voronoi for each store is not
>>representing an area closest to that store for some reason.  I'm creating
>>voronoi polygons from over 15,000 points.  Could that be the cause of the
>>problem?  Has anyone else had any similar problems?
>>Peter Horsbøll Møller <[ [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on Wednesday,
>>January 11, 2006 at 2:22 PM -0700 wrote:
>>That sounds kind of strange. The voronoi for each store should represent
>>the area closer to each store than to any other store - just as you
>>And therefore each customer should be within that voronoi that also
>>contains the store they are closest to.
>>Have you tried using the DistanceCalculator, that came with MapInfo 7.8 -
>>or even the improved one for MapInfo 8.0 ? This tool will give you the
>>nearest x stores for each customer. x can be 1, 2 or as many as like. So
>>this would be another way of getting the result, you are looking for.
>>The tool from MapInfo 8.0 the result will be represented as a line
>>between the customer and the store. I'm not sure if this also is the case
>>with the 7.8 tool
>>Peter Horsbøll Møller
>>GIS Developer, MTM
>>Geographical Information & IT
>>Odensevej 95
>>DK-5260 Odense S.
>>Tel     +45 6311 4900
>>Direct  +45 6311 4908
>>Mob     +45 5156 1045
>>Fax     +45 6311 4949
>>E-mail  [ [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] ]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL 
>>[ [ http://www.cowi.dk/gis ]http://www.cowi.dk/gis ][
>http://www.cowi.dk/gis ]http://www.cowi.dk/gis
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: [ [ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>[ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>][ mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>]mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert
>>Sent: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 5:58 PM
>>To: [ [ mailto:mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
>>Subject: [MI-L] voronoi polgon
>>I have 2 point tables, stores and customers.  I would like to find all
>>the customers that are the closest distance to a particular store so I
>>can assign information from the store to those customers.  I created a
>>voronoi polygon from the store points, then did a select statement where
>>customer points are within store voronoi polygon.
>>My problem is that I noticed in certain cases that some customer points
>>fell into a store voronoi polygon, but was actually closer to another
>>store.  I measured the distance in MI Pro Ver 7.8 and it was not a big
>>difference (8.19 instead of 7.78 miles), but wondered why the
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