

I would like to reformat city names that are capitalized such as: 
SAINT-GEORGES-DE-CACOUNA into a proper format such as: Saint-Georges-de-Cacouna.


When using the function Proper$ in an update statement, I get: 
Saint-georges-de-cacouna, which is not good to me.


I tried using the MapInfo's Search and Replace tool for adding a space 
character after each "-", but this tool seems to only find the first appearance 
of "-" and I get this result : SAINT- GEORGES-DE-CACOUNA

If I could have SAINT- GEORGES- DE- CACOUNA, I would be able to use the Proper$ 
function effectively.


Does anyone know a tool or a function I could use to solve this problem?


Thanks a lot.


Kind regards,



Philippe Solomon Côté

MSc Geography




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