My question is somewhat out of topic, but maybe interesting for some of you.

I want to create a navigation html page with buttons, each button associated with a different local Mapinfo workspace, which ought to be opened in MI ProViewer upon clicking. How to do this? Putting the workspace address to HREF tag seems not working (it just opens the WOR file in my browser).
I also tried the Java command
document.location.href="C:\Program Files\MapInfo\ProViewer\MAPINFOR.EXE";
with no success.

Furthermore, my system do not recognize MAPINFOR.EXE, I allways have to type the full path to the executable to make it start. I want to avoid this, because the html page is intended to be used on many different computers.

Any suggestions?


Jaromir SVASTA
Geological Survey of Slovak Republic
Mlynska dolina 1
817 04 Bratislava
Slovak Republic

Tel:    +421 2 59375326
Mobile: +421 915720952
Fax:    +421 2 54771940
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