Karl -

My Win2TAB MapBasic program creates a registered MapInfo Table from the 
current Map Window.  Although it will not create an uncompressed (24 bit) TIFF 
it does offer the ability to generate a world file (.tfw).  

Download a fully functional eval version at the url below:


Tony Cooley
Data Directions
Eugene, OR
(541) 345-4MAP
URL: http://members.aol.com/MapData/

In a message dated 2/3/2006 11:09:24 AM Pacific Standard Time, 
Hi.  I recently became aware that the TIFF file produced through the Save 
Window As function will always be compressed.  I am trying to find a way to 
produce an uncompressed (24 bit) TIFF file from a map window.  Has anyone 
written a 
MB / VB / other program that can do this?  Also, if this program can create 
and save an associated TFW file, that would be a bonus (or create a GeoTIFF so 
I don't need to mess around with a TFW).  Thanks in advance for your responses.

McElhanney Consulting Services Ltd.
100 - 780 Beatty Street 
Vancouver, BC  Canada      
V6B 2M1                 
Tel (604) 683-8521    
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