Hi List,


For those of you who have an interest in Maine data and who are using OGC WMS clients including MI Pro, here’s a nice new resource for you.  The state GeoLibrary (a body I serve on, separate from the state GIS office but working closely with it) has helped drive the implementation of OGC services, and will continue to do so.  The GeoLibrary has also been funding new statewide orthoimagery and some of this data is now online.


Pop this URL into your MI Pro WMS server list (I suggest naming it Maine GeoLibrary WMS), and have a go:



Please provide any feedback you may have to me, and I will channel it to the folks running the servers at MeGIS.  This is an exciting new way for MapInfo and other users to directly access our state GIS data (which resides behind this OGC-enabled ArcIMS service in ArcSDE.).  I’m happy to see things moving in this direction.


As a matter of fact, I just stumbled across a similar service in VT – here’s their WMS URL:



This is not an ad or a press release or anything like that, just a heads up to this friendly community I have been fortunate to belong to – I hope a few of you can use this.




Will Mitchell
Mitchell Geographics, Inc.
496 Congress St.
Portland, ME 04101
P 207.879.7769

F 207.221.5861 (new)


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