Some time ago I hade the same request and a friendly person (I think it was Bo Thomsen) on MapInfo-L supplied me with a Delphi DLL, that could do the trick.
The trick is to use a Windows API function that can wait for the called application to finish, before returning to the caller.
Let me know if you are interested and I'll send you the snippet that was given to me. As it contains files, I can't send them thru MapInfo-L
Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer, MTM
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
5260 Odense S.
Tel   + 45 6311 4900
Dir   +45 6311 4908
Mob +45 5156 1045
Fax  + 45 6311 4949

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] on behalf of Terry McDonnell
Sent: Fri 17-Mar-06 12:08
To: Simon Allen; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [MI-L] Run Application

Not sure that the 1st will have finished before the 2nd begins?  Don't know myself.
The first could set like a semaphore flag, in a table, and the second could wait for this flag to have been set before running.  e.g.
Dim llGoAhead as logical
llGoAhead = FALSE
Run application "App1"  ' When this app finishes it sets flag SemaTable.LSEMFLAG
Do while not llGoAhead
  Select LSEMFLAG from SemaTable into csrTemp
  llGoAhead = csrTemp.LSEMFLAG  

Run application "App2"
This might not be necessary if the apps run discretely but HTH

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Simon Allen
Sent: 17 March 2006 10:46
To: Terry McDonnell
Subject: [MI-L] Run Application

I have a script which issues two Run Application commands.
How can I ensure that the first application has finished running before issuing the second command?
Simon Allen
Senior GIS Officer
South Gloucestershire Council
01454 863655 (direct)
01454 863855 (fax)
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