Hi Chris

I'm not aware of any short cuts MapBasic can help you with.

You need to consider if you want the great circle (spherical) distance
or straight line (cartesian) distance. Also do you want to take into
account any known Z values ie slope distance.

I hope there is a shorter way for you, but the only way I can think of
at present is a bit longwinded. This would be first to write a function
to get the distance between two lines. Having done this then write a
routine to compare every line within one polyline with every line within
the second polyline.

The function to compare one line with another line would need to first
check if they intersect ( ie distance = 0 ), then if not calculate
distances from each end of one line with each end of other, and finally
drop a perpendicular from each end of one line to the other line ( and
check if the perpendicular position lies on the line, or an extension of
the line - if an extension leave it out).

You could use the MapBasic Distance command for point to point,
particularly if you want spherical distance, but I don't think MapBasic
offers much more than this.

You could use an iterative solution using "buffer", but I think the
direct method would be better.

Its probably a couple of hours work, so worth waiting to see if any
other listers know of any short cuts over this longwinded way!!



In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Christophe Brabant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes
>    Hi everyone
>    How could I compute, with Mapbasic language, the lowest distance 
>    between two polylines ?
>    Thank you
>    Chris
>MapInfo-L mailing list

bob young
MapInfo-L mailing list

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