On Mon, May 01, 2006 at 09:00:31PM -0400, Kent Hargesheimer wrote:
> Wow Bill, you got that built fast!
> You are right, the core C++ engine is very fast...Ned writes EXTREMELY
> efficient code.  It will be interesting to see how this move by SRC impacts
> the geocoder market.
> Please do keep us posted on access to the code and any future developments. 

Well, I was inspired by having several hundred thousand of mostly rural
addresses to geocode. 

I'm really cuurious to see how fast a native C++ tool that uses this engine
can be once somebody gets such a tool available for the rest of us who
don't know C++ yet. Even in MapBasic, it runs pretty well. The MapBasic
code I wrote is hobbled by its interpretive nature, a slow "do" loop and
the fact that I used passed variables rather than global ones to keep the
code "cleaner" and easier to read. I am planning to release the source
code, but that needs to wait for a change in the DLL so that it doesn't
expose more than it should.

As to the impact of this open source geocoder, I think the heavy users of
products like MapInfo MapMarker and Group 1's geocoder are still going to
pay the high cost to get the detail and accuracy these products provide.
Not that Explorer geocoder is inaccurate; it's just that you can only go so
far with TIGER-based data. There are still many rural roads in TIGER that
don't have address ranges on them and there are no ZIP+4 boundaries in
TIGER. When I geocoded 195,000 (mostly rural) addresses using Explorer
geocoder, about 25% ended up being located at the ZIP code centroids
because the streets they were on were missing address ranges. (But getting
146,250 rural address located at their street address wasn't too shabby.)

But for the vast majority of small businesses, governments and
experimenters, this tool is a windfall. There's a lot that it can provide
for very little cost right now, and as people start working with the code,
support will be added for non-US address information and better data
sources like Tele Atlas'. Then the high-priced tools are going to have some
serious competition!

I think it will be a little while before we see the full impact of Explorer
geocoder. It takes a little while for everyone who can work with C++ to first 
their plate from ongoing projects (people with these skills tend to stay
busy), then a little while to read and understand the source code, and then
a little while longer to build extensions and them get them back into the open
source community. Right now, it's just a few rolling pebbles; the real landslide
is still to come.

But I noticed that Directions Magazine wants to know the impact right now.
There's a little one-click opinon poll on this topic at
http://www.allpointsblog.com/ halfway down the page on the right.

- Bill Thoen

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