Title: Naming a query window

Use Alter Window Title to accomplish the effect you want.




Sub BrowseEquipTable

If gMouseclickX = -119.491592 And gMouseclickY = 49.873164 Then
        Select * From DI_Equip WHERE Site_NAME Like "Kelowna General Hospital"
        Browse Medical_Equipment_Name, Make_Model, DateofInstallation, Priority,        Serial_Number From Selection

        Alter window FrontWindow() title “Kelowna General Hospital

 ElseIf gMouseclickX = -119.669037 And gMouseclickY = 49.601331 Then
        Select * From DI_Equip WHERE Site_NAME Like "Summerland Health Centre"
        Browse Medical_Equipment_Name, Make_Model, DateofInstallation, Priority, Serial_Number From Selection

        Alter window FrontWindow() title “Summerland Health Care”

        Note "No Diagnostic Imaging equipment found here"

End If

End Sub


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