[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote on 08/07/2006 08:58:37 AM:

> On Fri, Jul 07, 2006 at 03:46:33PM -0600, Neil Havermale wrote:
> > Hey MMoore -  No direct answer on your thematic legend but how did you
> > get the bit clip through on this list?  Possibly something has changed
> > on the list server?  If so, might this list be moving into a moment
> > where map issues can be actually illustrated rather than described?

> Since I'm not an expert on mime types, the list configuration doesn't
> perfectly block all attachments. The intention has always been to block
> attachments, but now that lots of mail is nothing but attachments, I've
> to let some things pass, or I get complaints like "Hey! my new
> Microsoft Outlook
> mail client with the full monty media options all switched on isn't able
> post messages to MapInfo-L!!!!!" (note the five bangs... sure sign of an
> unbalanced mind, so I tend to try to keep everyone happy.)

> You can probably slip all kinds of things in past the filters at the
> moment.  I'd kind of like to allow some things through (especially one or
> two image formats, because that can really be helpful to a visually
> oriented group like this) so I haven't worried much about it, and there's
> been no problems. But now that the secret's out, what do people think?
> Should we worry about attachments or not? Should the list provide an open
> conduit (only to members) and leave the security checking up to each
> members discretion?

I reccomend to block all attachments. For three reasons;
1) more secure
2) reduces file size of mapinfo mailing list which is good for people
   with low bandwidth internet link
3) Consistency. It is jarring to the reader when some messages are plain
   text and some are html.

Instructions for configuring Microsoft Outlook to send plain text
to the list's email address can be included in the "Welcome" message.

As for the usefulness of including images, the mapinfo wiki is perfect for
this. Simply create a page, upload the image and explanatory text, and
post a link to the list.


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