When you pass a constant, you have to use the ByVal declaration. So your
subroutine must be declared as:

Declare Sub Table_to_Array( byval sTabname as string, ByVal sCol_1 as string,
  ByVal sCol_2 as string, ByVal sType as string)

On Wed, Jul 19, 2006 at 12:28:08PM +0100, Ian Robertson wrote:
> Hi, 
> I'm having some difficulty passing parameters in a Sub procedure. 
> The MapBasic help gives the following as a example of using a sub procedure. 
> It includes a value "2" as a parameter. 
> Declare Sub Cube(ByVal original As Float, cubed As Float)
> .
> .
> Call Cube( 2,  result)
> I've adapted this to pass some text values for a table name and some column 
> titles: 
> Declare Sub Table_to_Array( byval sTabname as string, sCol_1 as string, 
> sCol_2 as string, sType as string) 
> .
> .
> Call Table_to_Array("T_Usrn", "street_text", "street_reference_number", 
> "Streets") 
> The outcome is an error on compilation stating:
> Found [street_text] while searching for [An identifier]
> Where am I going wrong? 
> Thanks
> Ian

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