just a note to let you's know i'm unsubscribing from mapinfo-L soon.  (once i figger out how to...)
many of you may not know or care who i am, i haven't been very active lately because my focus has been on web-based mapping rather than MI and integration, but for the first couple years (2001-2) MI-L was a huge help and i couldn't have achieved what i have without the assistance of the fine folk from this list. 
2003-4 i was reasonably active in assisting others getting their integrated mapping projects operating, as that's what i managed to get done myself very well, along with helping solve basic problems and stuff.
well, i start a new job outside of govt (yay, reasonable $$$ :-)  ) soon and it doesn't appear to have a GIS component.  at some time in the future some of my exploits may appear on the local public transport website http://www.adelaidemetro.com.au - my systems were good to go over a year ago but red tape has pushed it back too far, so... seeya! :)
ash simmonds ( at gmail.com)
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