Title: RE: [MI-L] MapBasic - How to tell if a ButtonPad is Showing


Here is a small function that will toggle the appearance of a named buttonpad. You can use this as inspiration ;-)

- ButtonPadInfo(name_of_buttonpad, BTNPAD_INFO_WINID)
will return the WindowID of the buttonpad
- WindowInfo(nWID, WIN_INFO_OPEN)
will, when used on a buttonpad, tell you if the buttonpad is shown (=true) or hidden (=false)

Sub PADShowHide(ByVal sPadName As String )

Dim     nWID As Integer

OnError GoTo ErrorOccured

        nWID = ButtonPadInfo(sPadName, BTNPAD_INFO_WINID)

        If WindowInfo(nWID, WIN_INFO_OPEN) Then
                Alter ButtonPad sPadName Hide
                Alter ButtonPad sPadName Show
        End If


End Sub

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer, MTM
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-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Nicki Cozens

Sent: Wednesday, August 02, 2006 10:23 AM
To: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: [MI-L] MapBasic - How to tell if a ButtonPad is Showing

Re the posting on 07-21-2006 and reply by Lars I. Nielsen:

Do you have an example of how WindowInfo is used to find the Show/Hide status of a floating button bar? 

I'm struggling with showing and hiding a button pad. 

I create the button bar and make sure that it has show as one of the attributes. 

I then issue the command "buttonpad_id = FrontWindow()" to obtain the window id. 

I tried to then issue the "Set Window buttonpad_id Hide" but it said I couldn't do that to that kind of window, so I tried "Close Window buttonpad_id" instead and it would appear that when I used the

FrontWindow() command it was picking up the map window instead of the button pad I had just created as the map window closes and not the button pad.

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

Here is the code:

Create ButtonPad "Accept" As
                Icon 185
                HelpMsg "Click to accept when happy"
                Calling Accept_changes
                Icon 195
                HelpMsg "Click to reject"
                Calling reject_changes
        Width 3
        Position (2,2)

buttonpad_id = FrontWindow()

'The following would not work with the window in question 'Set Window buttonpad_id
'       Hide
Close Window buttonpad_id                               'this closed the
map window

Many thanks

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