Hi all

I have many workspaces (200+) operating from a central core of tables. Each workspace has the same tables uploaded into it. My problem is that when I open some of these workspaces the labels attached to some of the polygons have been shifted. Some by an extremely long way. It is not restricted to certain tables and appears to happen in a random fashion. Currently this is being solved by packing the afflicted table (graphic and tabular data). Sadly this resets the style options of the regions, lines, and labels in that table and the position of the label is centred of the object(is this resetting supposed to happen?). Although this solves the problem for the time that the workspace is being used, if this same workspace is viewed say a few days later after other work has been carried out on the tables through other workspaces, the original workspace is often afflicted by the problem again.

Any help with these matters would be much appreciated.

Rob Southwell

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