Mat Elfstrőm's wish list specifies two items I think are essential. Routing
capabilities and adding MapBasic to the core product. I think the Universal
Translator should be updated and provisions made to allow import and export
of ESRI's new geodatabase file format. 

Chuck Lockwood

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2006 1:01 PM
Subject: MapInfo-L Digest, Vol 12, Issue 64

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Today's Topics:

   1. RE: feature wish list (Mats Elfstr?m)
   2. Re: feature wish list (Richard Greenwood)
   3. Re: feature wish list (Data Directions)
   4. [Spam] Google Earth (Tim Rideout)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 01:12:55 +0200
From: Mats Elfstr?m <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: [MI-L] feature wish list
To: "'Bill Thoen'" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"

Hi All!

Adding to the wish list, which I feel is of utmost importance if MapInfo
Corp really wants to enhance the next release (if Project Grande has made
its grand exit). 
I think there are those who are fed up with upgrades which only add cosmetic
changes. They really must make it worthwhile to continue upgrading. Else I
fear some users will look at alternative platforms.

1 Incorporate Vertical Mapper in the core product MapInfo Pro (and the sdk
into MapBasic).
2 Add routing capabilities (route mapper or something) to the core product.
3 Add MapBasic to the core product.

By doing this, Mi Corp would give upgrading users some real and useful value
on  their chosen platform, and maybe even gain one or two new users at the
same time.
Their latest effort, Envinsa,  seems to be very US centric as many other
additions have been lately. 
Us Swedes have been struck twice by language specific changes, and I am not
sure if Universal Translator has been brought up to speed in version 8.5.
My point is that if you aim to an international market, efforts should be
international and not confined to the American market.

Hdlsning Mats.E
:Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            ICQ#9517386:
:Mail/ GISKRAFT, Mats Elfstroem, Vaepplingv 21, SE-227 38 LUND, SWEDEN:
:Phones: +46 46 145959, +46 70 595 3935                               :

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From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MI-L] feature wish list
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 23:23:24 +0200
Size: 2054


Message: 2
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 21:21:53 -0600
From: "Richard Greenwood" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MI-L] feature wish list
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 10/21/06, Mats Elfstrvm <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All!
> Adding to the wish list, which I feel is of utmost importance if 
> MapInfo Corp really wants to enhance the next release (if Project 
> Grande has made its grand exit).
> I think there are those who are fed up with upgrades which only add 
> cosmetic changes. They really must make it worthwhile to continue 
> upgrading. Else I fear some users will look at alternative platforms.
> 1 Incorporate Vertical Mapper in the core product MapInfo Pro (and the 
> sdk into MapBasic).
> 2 Add routing capabilities (route mapper or something) to the core
> 3 Add MapBasic to the core product.
> By doing this, Mi Corp would give upgrading users some real and useful 
> value on  their chosen platform, and maybe even gain one or two new 
> users at the same time.
> Their latest effort, Envinsa,  seems to be very US centric as many 
> other additions have been lately.
> Us Swedes have been struck twice by language specific changes, and I 
> am not sure if Universal Translator has been brought up to speed in
version 8.5.
> My point is that if you aim to an international market, efforts should 
> be international and not confined to the American market.
> Hdlsning Mats.E
> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> :Email/ [EMAIL PROTECTED]                            ICQ#9517386:
> :---------------------------------------------------------------------:
> :Mail/ GISKRAFT, Mats Elfstroem, Vaepplingv 21, SE-227 38 LUND, SWEDEN:
> :Phones: +46 46 145959, +46 70 595 3935                               :
> :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: "Bill Thoen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2006 23:23:24 +0200
> Subject: Re: [MI-L] feature wish list
> On Sat, Oct 21, 2006 at 12:27:35PM +0100, Lawley, Russell S wrote:
> > heres mine:
> >
> > better pattern/colour /font support for all objects
> >
> > some proper tools for making layouts that dont look like they have 
> > been drawn by an amatuer with a crayon(including proper 
> > map-graticules and wysiwyg legends)
> >
> > legends that are easier to build, dynamic, show map-visible only 
> > content and are at last, bug free
> YES! Down with crayons and maps that look like 'toons! Up with maps as
> > built in vertical mapper sdk into mapbasic
> This is reasonable now that we don't have to worry about bringing VM 
> into the .NET environment. The VM SDK needs a bit of an overhaul anyway.

I commend all of the entusiasm, but let's get real. MI abandoned 'Grande'
because they are adandoning their desktop product. Like have we heard a beep
from MI regarding any future plans for MI Pro?


Richard Greenwood


Message: 3
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 16:20:51 +0800
From: "Data Directions" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [MI-L] feature wish list
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset="iso-8859-1";

Further to Richards observation, I also agree that MapInfo should provide 
the MapInfo-L community with their proposed plans for MapInfo, especially 
since myself (and others) decided to subscribe to the annual maintenance 
program primarily because of "the imminent arrival of Grande".

One of the key "selling pitches" (though not in an overt way) used at a user

group meeting in June (or so) 2005, was that "users on the maintenance plan 
would receive a beta version of Grande later in the year". Of course that 
didn't eventuate, but was one of my main reasons for my upgrading to the 
current release at that user group and then joining the annual maintenance 

As with other comments on the list, I would like to see some significant 
changes to the product, especially in the area of producing professional 
cartographic output, with minimal output. Encom's Discover (an add-on for 
MapInfo) has certainly made life a lot easier with its Scaled Output, Legend

creation and numerous text utilities, mainly because of a series of 
excellent descriptive dialog boxes with pulldowns that allow the user to 
achieve a good result. Although I have not used it, I have heard from fellow

GIS'ers that ArcGIS map production capabilities are absolutely fantastic 
.... certainly looking at the annual ESRI Map book that is produced speaks 
for itself.

My MapInfo 9.0 feature list would include the following:

- 7 parameter transformation for Australia GDA94 (3 parameter just doesn't 
cut it)
- improved text labelling
- improved scaled output functionality (including overlay grids, titleblocks

and company logos)
- fixing the "bug" of having a layer close or browser close when doing a 
Table > Maintenance operation
- fixing the new 8.5 "zoom to objects extent" when doing a copy/paste 
operation (a real bugger with text labels)
- remember several "previous views" that you can navigate back through (not 
just the current one-only)
- if editing several layers at once, an easy method to change editable and 
selectable layers (maybe mouse control functionality?)
- expanding the 256 colour palette to one where you can easily define 
additional colour schemes and have 512, 1024 colours ...
- add the ability to bring across ArcGIS polygon colours (it can be done as 
one fellow in Queensland has written a program that does it and sells it for

about $ 200 Australian)
- better table update functionality so that if you are doing numerous 
queries and table updates, you don't accidentally overwrite the master data 
(something Data Assistant does quite well ... yes I know, a plug for my own 
MapInfo add-on)
- when writing an expression for labelling or thematic mapping, offer a 
function to save the expression (currently have to copy and paste to/from a 
Wordpad document)
- implement significantly better error handing functionality when writing 
SQL queries or label expressions so that the obscure "Syntax Error - Please 
correct" message does not appear. For the average user, this message doesn't

tell them what to fix. Again third party add-ons such as Discover and Data 
Assistant offer behind the scenes data validation as the expression is being

- remove the comma which appears in columns defined as small integer or 
integer (at least have it as a preference to be set of not)
- remove the useless error message when creating points that occurs when you

pulldown the X-column, and the same column is listed (by default) for the 
Y-column. This occurs because MapInfo displays the first two numeric columns

it encounters in a table. However if the first numeric column contains 
Sample numbers and the second numeric column contains Longitude it ticks me 
off to no end to change Sample numbers to Longitude (which by default sits 
in the Y-column) and have MapInfo ask "Use same column for X and Y field" 
and then change the Y column anyway because if you click No, it boots you 
out and expects you to change the Y value first.

Anyway, enough rambling for a Sunday arvo ... time to go to the local pub 
for a brewski.



I commend all of the entusiasm, but let's get real. MI abandoned
'Grande' because they are adandoning their desktop product. Like have
we heard a beep from MI regarding any future plans for MI Pro?


Richard Greenwood

MapInfo-L mailing list


Message: 4
Date: Sun, 22 Oct 2006 17:26:59 +0100
From: "Tim Rideout" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [MI-L] [Spam] Google Earth
To: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"

At the recent InterGeo show in Muenchen ESRI and Bentley Systems were both
demonstrating a new capability which allowed their users to open Google
Earth imagery as another layer within one of their map windows.
If you can do this with their software, is it also possible with MapInfo? If
so how?
Dr Tim Rideout
Visit XYZ at the Frankfurt Book Fair, Oct 4 - 8th 2006, Intergeo Munich Oct
10-13th 2006 or IMTA World in Singapore, Nov 2006.
The XYZ Digital Map Company
Unit 9 Phase 2 Hardengreen Business Park
Dalhousie Road, Dalkeith
EH22 3NX, Scotland, Europe
Tel: +44 131 454 0426
Fax: +44 131 454 0443
Mobile: +44 7766 825937
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