The mail from Monday I sent from the office got lost some where so I do it 

You can go to my web site in the download section and get UltraMsg
I wrote this back in 1999 and the zip file has all the source and examples for 
MBX's.  About half way down the page:

The main thing on creating forms in DLL is to do a create and get the handle, 
then set up position/size, title, fonts, data, and then show the form and 
finally you have to destroy it.

UltraMsg provides, as its name says, it is a Rich Text Editor.
Plus just about every type of conversion and math, like real XOR, string 
search and replace and many, many more.

To recompile the dll, it should work as is, you will need to get HyperString.
After scouring the net for a couple of hours it looks as though EFD Systems 
and Ernie Deel [author] have dissappeared.
So in lieu of any copywrit stuff you can download the last D6 free version 
from here on my web:

On Sunday 22 October 2006 5:39 pm, Nathan Woodrow wrote:
> Hi All,
> Just a little help with a Dll, I have created using Delphi 2005.
> The Delphi project contains the Dll and a Unit(Form) which I want to be
> able to call from mapbasic.
> I have complied the Dll and complied my little mapbasic code that calls
> the Dll procedure, but however when I run the mbx, mapinfo shows up a
> error saying "Memory can not be read".
> I was just wondering can Delphi 2005 make Dll's that can export
> functions that mapbasic can call on, if so how?
> An Example the Delphi code:
> Procedure AssetForm; StdCall;
>     Var Aform: TAssetCaptureForm
> Begin
>     AForm:= TAssetCaptureForm.Create(Nil);
> End;
>     Exports
>         AssetForm;
> I don't have much code written up as I am still trying to test this way
> of doing a few things, but so far just getting the form to show up is
> giving me a headache.
> Thanks
> Nathan Woodrow
> GIS/Asset Support Officer
> Warwick Shire Council
> Ph: (07) 4661 0463

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