There are a bunch of so called tools in hadoop-mapreduce-project/src/tools -
DistCp, HadoopArchives, Rumen etc. And contrib projects are in src/contrib
in all of common, hdfs and mapred source trees. Not sure how the distinction
was ever made.

The last time we had a discussion about moving contrib projects out of the
core, we didn't reach any consensus - **. Do we want to revive that
discucssion now? Or we want to keep the status-quo, imitate the source
structure of the present day tools and contrib, but move them to appropriate
maven modules and then have that discussion separately?

I personally prefer the later, given the length and the eventual failure of
the previous discussion.

HADOOP-7590 is a related issue where the src location of contribs like
gridmix, streaming etc is being talked about. I suppose that issue and this
thread ought to converge.


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