Hi All,

Apology to everyone in case my question has been dealt before.If the
question has been answered before please do provide me the link .

Basically, I want to start contributing to Hadoop by submitting patches
mostly from Map Reduce issues.

1. Assuming I create a patch, now I want to  test the patch.
2. Basically, I want to work from eclipse and make use of the breakpoints
supported by eclipse.
3. Assuming I ran all the hadoop daemons in single node.
4. Will the eclipse plugin included in hadoop work for submiting the jobs
and hit the breakpoints , this is because I want to trace the code.
5. Normally, how do the Hadoop committers setup their Hadoop development
setup look like. Do they use eclipse to set breakpoints in the eclipse ide.
6. If I use eclipse , learning curve of Hadoop code base would be very easy.

Can somebody guide me how do I submit my job from eclipse and set
breakpoints in Hadoop core code in JobTracker, TaskTracker etc.


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