Arun, Could you please define the release plan and put it into vote. In accordance with the ByLaws. After this discussion of course. Release Plan Defines the timetable and actions for a release. The plan also nominates a Release Manager. Lazy majority of active committers Do I understand correctly you volunteering for RM? Just to clarify. Suresh had already put a list of features for HDFS and common. So you probably need to indicate features for MapReduce and Yarn. Thanks, --Konstantin On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 6:34 PM, Arun C Murthy <> wrote: > Gang, > > With hadoop-2.0.4-alpha released, I'd like 2.0.4 to be the final of our > hadoop-2.x alphas. We have made lots of progress on hadoop-2.x and I > believe we are nearly there, exciting times! > > As we have discussed previously, I hope to do a final push to stabilize > hadoop-2.x, release a hadoop-2.0.5-beta in the next month or so; and then > declare hadoop-2.1 as stable this summer after a short period of intensive > testing. > > With that in mind, I really want to make a serious push to lock down APIs > and wire-protocols for hadoop-2.0.5-beta. Thus, we can confidently support > hadoop-2.x in a compatible manner in the future. So, it's fine to add new > features, but please ensure that all APIs are frozen for hadoop-2.0.5-beta > > Vinod is helping out on the YARN/MR side and has tagged a number of final > changes (including some the final API incompatibilities) we'd like to push > in before we call hadoop-2.x as ready to be supported (Target Version set > to 2.0.5-beta): > > Thanks Vinod! (Note some of the sub-tasks of umbrella jiras may not be > tagged, but their necessity is implied). > > Similarly on HDFS side, can someone please help out by tagging features, > bug-fixes, protocol/API changes etc.? This way we can ensure HDFS APIs & > protocols are locked down too - I'd really appreciate it! > > thanks, > Arun > > > -- > Arun C. Murthy > Hortonworks Inc. > > > >