
On May 2, 2013, at 2:08 AM, Konstantin Shvachko wrote:

> I am arguing against invasive and destructive features proposed for the
> release.
> Just to remind here they are again, since the history has been wiped out.
> # Snapshots
> # NFS gateway for HDFS
> # HDFS-347 unix domain socket based short circuits
> # Windows support
> Do I understand correctly that you as a Release Manager will allow any
> changes in your release?
> In the next 3-4 weeks.

It is not appropriate for me, or anyone for that matter, to behave like a 
gatekeeper for a branch or a release. We have established this many times over 
as being counter-productive (for e.g. see Roy's responses to role of RM on in 
archives). This is particularly because Hadoop is such a complex system, 
exacerbated by the fact that this really is an umbrella project which needs to 
be broken up (HDFS, YARN, MapReduce); hence, no one person can sufficiently 
police all changes or try to enforce 'thou shalt do this, and this alone' 
edicts. There are too many shades of gray.

IAC, the only role of RM is to gently prod people into working together so that 
we can get releases out of the door for our users. 

It shouldn't shock anyone when I confess that I do not have sufficient 
expertise to argue with you about the list of HDFS features you are calling 
'destructive' - I'll warn you that people working on those features might not 
share your opinion of their work as such, either. *smile* 

Given this, I urge you, again, to talk to people working on those features, 
feature-by-feature. Provide your feedback, review their code and please come to 
a consensus about what release they should be part of. If possible, help them 
test it; if not, ask them for what testing they have done or plan to do and see 
if that seems reasonable to you, help them if you can; end of the day, please 
come to a consensus with them. 

It's not my place to express opinions about others' work on HDFS; however, 
under extreme duress, I may confess that my understanding is that HDFS-347 is 
reasonably well-tested, the only changes needed to support NFS are changes to 
some apis/protocols (FileID) while the actual feature might come in later and 
that Snapshots have been worked on collaboratively for a long while. Even then 
we seem to agree that all necessary protocol changes will go into 2.0.5-beta; 
so I'm not sure whether we are disagreeing on much at all!

If anyone has concerns about YARN/MapReduce I'm willing to participate in a 
constructive dialogue. So for e.g., the only opinion I can offer for the list 
here is that it is my understanding that the proposed changes to support 
Windows in YARN/MR are very contained and hence non-risky. Lots of people have 
spent more time on adding that feature than I have; hence I'll assign more 
weight to their opinion of it's stability than my own. 

None of this means that I'll withhold the release for any of the features - but 
if someone steps up and says they want to pull it into branch-2 I will not 
block them. 

I hope this is reasonable, and that we can all get back to finishing up the 

Clearly, one thing we all need to agree on (quickly) are the rules for 
compatibility for major/minor/patch releases. I plan to spend more time on it 
this week and the next.

FTR, my opinion is that within a major release we need to be compatible (both 
APIs and protocols, both user-facing and internal i..e for rolling upgrades 
etc.), minor releases can add compatible features and patch releases are meant 
for bug-fixes.


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