All -

I broke this list of questions out into a separate DISCUSS thread where we
can iterate over how a security audit process at merge time might look and
whether it is even something that we want to take on.

I will try and continue discussion on that thread and drive that to some
conclusion before bringing it into any particular merge discussion.



On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 12:37 PM, larry mccay <> wrote:

> I previously sent this same email from my work email and it doesn't seem
> to have gone through - resending from apache account (apologizing up from
> for the length)....
> For such sizable merges in Hadoop, I would like to start doing security
> audits in order to have an initial idea of the attack surface, the
> protections available for known threats, what sort of configuration is
> being used to launch processes, etc.
> I dug into the architecture documents while in the middle of this list -
> nice docs!
> I do intend to try and make a generic check list like this for such
> security audits in the future so a lot of this is from that but I tried to
> also direct specific questions from those docs as well.
> 1. UIs
> I see there are at least two UIs - Storage Container Manager and Key Space
> Manager. There are a number of typical vulnerabilities that we find in UIs
> 1.1. What sort of validation is being done on any accepted user input?
> (pointers to code would be appreciated)
> 1.2. What explicit protections have been built in for (pointers to code
> would be appreciated):
>   1.2.1. cross site scripting
>   1.2.2. cross site request forgery
>   1.2.3. click jacking (X-Frame-Options)
> 1.3. What sort of authentication is required for access to the UIs?
> 1.4. What authorization is available for determining who can access what
> capabilities of the UIs for either viewing, modifying data or affecting
> object stores and related processes?
> 1.5. Are the UIs built with proxying in mind by leveraging X-Forwarded
> headers?
> 1.6. Is there any input that will ultimately be persisted in configuration
> for executing shell commands or processes?
> 1.7. Do the UIs support the trusted proxy pattern with doas impersonation?
> 1.8. Is there TLS/SSL support?
> 2. REST APIs
> 2.1. Do the REST APIs support the trusted proxy pattern with doas
> impersonation capabilities?
> 2.2. What explicit protections have been built in for:
>   2.2.1. cross site scripting (XSS)
>   2.2.2. cross site request forgery (CSRF)
>   2.2.3. XML External Entity (XXE)
> 2.3. What is being used for authentication - Hadoop Auth Module?
> 2.4. Are there separate processes for the HTTP resources (UIs and REST
> endpoints) or are the part of existing HDFS processes?
> 2.5. Is there TLS/SSL support?
> 2.6. Are there new CLI commands and/or clients for access the REST APIs?
> 2.7. Bucket Level API allows for setting of ACLs on a bucket - what
> authorization is required here - is there a restrictive ACL set on creation?
> 2.8. Bucket Level API allows for deleting a bucket - I assume this is
> dependent on ACLs based access control?
> 2.9. Bucket Level API to list bucket returns up to 1000 keys - is there
> paging available?
> 2.10. Storage Level APIs indicate “Signed with User Authorization” what
> does this refer to exactly?
> 2.11. Object Level APIs indicate that there is no ACL support and only
> bucket owners can read and write - but there are ACL APIs on the Bucket
> Level are they meaningless for now?
> 2.12. How does a REST client know which Ozone Handler to connect to or am
> I missing some well known NN type endpoint in the architecture doc
> somewhere?
> 3. Encryption
> 3.1. Is there any support for encryption of persisted data?
> 3.2. If so, is KMS and the hadoop key command used for key management?
> 4. Configuration
> 4.1. Are there any passwords or secrets being added to configuration?
> 4.2. If so, are they accessed via Configuration.getPassword() to allow for
> provisioning in credential providers?
> 4.3. Are there any settings that are used to launch docker containers or
> shell out any commands, etc?
> 5. HA
> 5.1. Are there provisions for HA?
> 5.2. Are we leveraging the existing HA capabilities in HDFS?
> 5.3. Is Storage Container Manager a SPOF?
> 5.4. I see HA listed in future work in the architecture doc - is this
> still an open issue?
> On Fri, Oct 20, 2017 at 11:19 AM, Anu Engineer <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Steve,
>> In addition to everything Weiwei mentioned (chapter 3 of user guide), if
>> you really want to drill down to REST protocol you might want to apply this
>> patch and build ozone.
>> This will generate an Open API ( ,
>> based specification which can be accessed from KSM UI
>> or just as a json file.
>> Unfortunately, this patch is still at code review stage, so you will have
>> to apply the patch and build it yourself.
>> Thanks
>> Anu
>> On 10/20/17, 6:09 AM, "Yang Weiwei" <> wrote:
>>     Hi Steve
>>     The code is available in HDFS-7240 feature branch, public git repo
>> here<>.
>>     I am not sure if there is a "public" API for object stores, but the
>> design doc<
>> 9/ozone_user_v0.pdf> uses most common syntax so I believe it should be
>> compliance. You can find the rest API doc here<
>> /hadoop/blob/HDFS-7240/hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/
>> site/markdown/> (with some example usages), and commandline
>> API here<
>> hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/site/markdown/>.
>>     Look forward for your feedback!
>>     --Weiwei
>>     ________________________________
>>     发件人: Steve Loughran <>
>>     发送时间: 2017年10月20日 11:49
>>     收件人: Yang Weiwei
>>     抄送:;;
>>     主题: Re: [DISCUSSION] Merging HDFS-7240 Object Store (Ozone) to trunk
>>     Wow, big piece of work
>>     1. Where is a PR/branch on github with rendered docs for us to look
>> at?
>>     2. Have you made any public APi changes related to object stores?
>> That's probably something I'll have opinions on more than implementation
>> details.
>>     thanks
>>     > On 19 Oct 2017, at 02:54, Yang Weiwei <>
>> wrote:
>>     >
>>     > Hello everyone,
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > I would like to start this thread to discuss merging Ozone
>> (HDFS-7240) to trunk. This feature implements an object store which can
>> co-exist with HDFS. Ozone is disabled by default. We have tested Ozone with
>> cluster sizes varying from 1 to 100 data nodes.
>>     >
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > The merge payload includes the following:
>>     >
>>     >  1.  All services, management scripts
>>     >  2.  Object store APIs, exposed via both REST and RPC
>>     >  3.  Master service UIs, command line interfaces
>>     >  4.  Pluggable pipeline Integration
>>     >  5.  Ozone File System (Hadoop compatible file system
>> implementation, passes all FileSystem contract tests)
>>     >  6.  Corona - a load generator for Ozone.
>>     >  7.  Essential documentation added to Hadoop site.
>>     >  8.  Version specific Ozone Documentation, accessible via service
>> UI.
>>     >  9.  Docker support for ozone, which enables faster development
>> cycles.
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > To build Ozone and run ozone using docker, please follow
>> instructions in this wiki page.
>> uence/display/HADOOP/Dev+cluster+with+docker.
>>     Dev cluster with docker - Hadoop - Apache Software Foundation<
>> P/Dev+cluster+with+docker>
>>     First, it uses a much more smaller common image which doesn't
>> contains Hadoop. Second, the real Hadoop should be built from the source
>> and the dist director should be ...
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > We have built a passionate and diverse community to drive this
>> feature development. As a team, we have achieved significant progress in
>> past 3 years since first JIRA for HDFS-7240 was opened on Oct 2014. So far,
>> we have resolved almost 400 JIRAs by 20+ contributors/committers from
>> different countries and affiliations. We also want to thank the large
>> number of community members who were supportive of our efforts and
>> contributed ideas and participated in the design of ozone.
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > Please share your thoughts, thanks!
>>     >
>>     >
>>     > -- Weiwei Yang
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