Hi folks,

Thanks to all of you who have contributed in this submarine 0.2.0 release.
We now have a release candidate (RC0) for Apache Hadoop Submarine 0.2.0.

The Artifacts for this Submarine-0.2.0 RC0 are available here:


It's RC tag in git is "submarine-0.2.0-RC0".

The maven artifacts are available via repository.apache.org at

This vote will run 7 days (5 weekdays), ending on 13th June at 11:59 pm PST.

The highlights of this release.

1. Linkedin's TonY runtime support in Submarine

2. PyTorch enabled in Submarine with both YARN native service runtime
(single node) and TonY runtime

3. Support uber jar of Submarine to submit the job

4. The YAML file to describe a job

5. The Notebook support (by Apache Zeppelin Submarine interpreter)

Thanks to Sunil, Wangda, Xun, Zac, Keqiu, Szilard for helping me in
preparing the release.

I have done a few testing with my pseudo cluster. My +1 (non-binding) to


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